Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Baked Chicken w/ Mushrooms & Parmesan

I'm sitting at the table with the laptop, cruising around Facebook, and completely inhaling my lunch of last night's leftovers, as if I hadn't eaten in days.  I've said in my head, "Oh my gosh.  This is so good," about a dozen times because
Oh my gosh.
It is so good.
I decided that I should share the recipe, because I want you to experience the yumminess.  And, it's a super easy recipe.  If you're on a New Year diet, then just move right along.  This is not the recipe for you.  I got this recipe from my Bestie Bethie, who only makes scrumptious stuff.  It's a sure thing.

Beth's Baked Chicken w/ Mushrooms & Parmesan

2 (8oz.) pkgs. sliced fresh mushrooms
6 T. butter
8 chicken breasts, boneless (I actually used 3 big ones, which totaled 2.5 lbs.)
2 T. melted butter (I only used about 1 T. because I over-microwaved it, and at least a tablespoon splattered all over the inside of my microwave.)
1 c. heavy cream
salt & pepper
2 1/3 cups shredded Parmesan cheese (I used part shredded Parmesan from the jar and part freshly shredded.  'Cause that's what I had.)

Saute mushrooms with 6 tablespoons butter.  Flour chicken breasts & put into a 9x13 baking dish.  Pour 2 tablespoons melted butter over the chicken, and top with the mushrooms.  Pour 1 cup heavy cream over the top.  Sprinkle with salt & pepper.  Sprinkle the Parmesan over the whole thing.  Bake at 400 for 30ish minutes.  

We eat this with some sort of pasta on the side (last night was egg noodles) and a veggie.  Or not.  :)  And then eat whatever is leftover the next day, because it's equally delish.  Enjoy!
It kind of looks like this, only less soupy.  I stole this picture from the internet because by the time I thought about a picture, I had this to deal with.

And here's Miss Lucy....She decided that she needed to be right in my face, on the table, as I was typing.  (Ignore the two precariously stacked baskets of laundry.)  That's her way of letting me know that she wants to eat.  She sits her dirty behind on my kitchen table.
She has terrible manners. 

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