Saturday, October 19, 2013

Camping Doughnuts

Actually, a better name is Campin' Donuts,
because that's how I say it,
but I'm one of those sticklers for proper spelling, punctuation, etc.  (Which doesn't mean I always remember  to use  proper spelling & don't go spell-checking me.  You can't have seven kids and retain all your brain cells.) Anyway, they are called Camping Doughnuts because they are what my family made when we went camping as a kid.  I can still see Momma or Mary Jo standing over an electric skillet frying these doughnuts.

Sweet memories.

They are so super simple and so super good.  You might just have to make an extra batch for the kids at 10pm sometime.  And then you'd remember that they were already in bed, and you'd have to eat them all yourself.  That's the kind of thing I do.  Because I am not the best mom ever!  

Open a can of biscuits.  I use Grands....just don't use the flaky kind.  Cut a hole in the middle with something....I usually use a lid off one of the condiments in the fridge.  Washed first, of course.
Then fry them bad boys in about an inch of Crisco.
Then dip 'em in cinnamon & sugar.


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